
I love riding my VESPA

Nov 3, 2013


If you don't know what that means it is National Novel Writing Month.  NaNoWriMo ParticipantThis happens every November.  This is my 6th year.  A good friend of mine Michelle encouraged me for at least 3 years before I finally tried it and now I am hooked.

The goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days.  Yep, that works out to 1,667 per day. I have completed the challenge 3 of the 5 times I have participated.  November is not always the best month to set aside time for this, so a couple of years ago, I failed due to bad planning, then one other time due to sickness.

I don't know about you guys but I love to read.  I have already read 52 books this year, heading for a solid 60 by the end of December.  I read on a wide variety of topics.  I will be adding a recommended reading list page to my blog sometime in December so check it out.

When I was younger and in school reading was not a hobby I embraced.  I read what I needed to get by but that was it.  Then came college and the reading gets more intense.  But somewhere in my mid 20's I finally found mystery novels with female heroines and fell in love, then cooking mysteries, and it has blossomed from there.

To the point where I have dreamed of writing a novel.  It was a dream until a few years ago.  I finished a short novel after NaNoWriMo, called. Race the Dragon.  It is an adventure story set in Cambodia about dragon boat racing.  This past year I have been occasionally working on the editing and hope to finish early this next year.

I am now referring to myself as a writer, a published author would be the next step.  Writing this blog has helped me to focus on spending time thinking, planning and guess what sitting down and actually writing.

I want to thank you my readers for your support and encouragement as I undertake this journey.  This year I am writing a book, young adult fiction called "Adventures of a Vespista - a trip to rome"  I think you might know what it is about.

As of right now I have completed 6937 words and it is only day 3.  Looking forward to success this month and in the years to come.