
I love riding my VESPA

Dec 17, 2013


Over Thanksgiving weekend I traveled to some friends house about 3 hours away.  It is a funny thing when you travel away from home; you allow yourself to take time to rest and relax, but do not seem to do so when you are at home. Why is that?


Through out the weekend we ate turkey and ham multiple times, played games and had a puzzle set out.  There were quiet times of reading, raucous times of games out doors with the kids and then, some good old fashioned card playing.

But as the weekend went on, almost everyone sat down and spent some time working on fitting in puzzle pieces. It was 1000 pieces and nearly completed by the time I had to leave to go home.

Yes, I like puzzles. They give me time to think and focus on something, which frees my brain from day to day, activities.  It works much like a reset button.  I get lost in the task and allow the stresses of daily life to drift away.

However, this puzzle set me to thinking.  Typically I do them by myself, but this one had many hands working on it.  There were multiple theories on how to approach it. Like, a friend who never looks at the box, or another who does not begin with the edge pieces, or myself who ferrets out the corners first.

The picture came together slowly, because there were parts that were being assembled outside the frame.  When one of those was placed, the picture became fuller and progress was seen.  I think one of the things I so enjoy about puzzles is the sense of accomplishment; when you get that one piece you have been looking for and it fits into its spot.

But in the past, I have had puzzles where it was hard to tell if the piece fit or not.  On those occasions, I usually had misplaced a piece or two, which caused frustration, as I could not find the piece that fit next.

My thoughts were about how a puzzle is like life.  Sometimes as I move along, I think I see the picture clearly and how a specific piece fits into the whole.  But on occasion, I am mistaken and it takes awhile to find the incorrect piece and get back on track.  So often the picture is not clear.

However Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God he has a plan for us and it is for a hope and future.  Yes, that has been a comforting thought over the years.

It is like working a puzzle with no box.  I think the box makes it easier, but the accomplishment without the box is much greater still.  Life is like a puzzle without the box.  The picture unfolds in bits and pieces.  When we find that perfect fit, it is a day of exceeding happiness.

How is your life like a puzzle?