
I love riding my VESPA

Nov 5, 2014


Recently I went to a party in a bowling alley in Phnom Penh.  It was a private space that had two lanes and a karaoke machine.  It was for a Birthday party for a friend.  He had invited the staff from Divine Pizza & Ribs along with friends, and my sister and I. 
All the Guys

The Cambodian staff from Divine had never bowled before, so there were a few of us trying to help them understand how to hold the ball and what to do.  We were focused on the mechanics and how to do it right.  The Cambodians were focused on  trying it and having fun. The same goes for singing Karaoke. I would not choose to sing unless I could sing the song well, but the Cambodians jumped right in and sang their hearts out.  A few were pretty good but a couple were less than proficient but they sure had a good time singing and bowling.  

It made me wonder do I focus on the process too much. In my Christian life I try to do things the right way.  That goes for ministry as well.  Maybe I should step back and just enjoy the experiences I have with Jesus and allow that to drive my sharing about Jesus and how I choose to worship Him.  I am I too caught up in the way it should be done, should we sing hymns, or praise music, should I fast every week, or on special occasions.  I am confident that occasionally I over think the process, and that drags all the fun and enjoyment from the experience.  

I am often excited about what I learn about life from my Cambodian friends.  Their worldview is so different from mine.  I have said repeatedly in the past, if I taught them half of what they have taught me, then my time spent in Cambodia would be successful.  I am convinced that I find joy in the freedom of the experience, instead of getting bogged down in the details.  May your day find fun and pleasure in your walk with Jesus.