
I love riding my VESPA

Jul 21, 2013

Learning by Giving Class


The son of a friend of mine had been diligently working on a mooc        ( massive open online course ) by the Learning by Giving Foundation.  This really sparked my interest, so I signed up for the class.  Yep, it started this week and it lived up to its billing.

After a very thorough introduction to who gives, how much and the different non-profit sectors there was an interview with Doris and Warren Buffet.  Yes, that is Warren Buffet of Berkshire Hathaway fame. They were talking about Philanthropy.

Philanthropy is defined as - the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. 

They had a few really choice ideas to share, 1st make sure that you have the correct heroes, so you will emulate character and goodness.  They both started young with intentional plans to give to others. Giving is a habit that is formed and developed over time.

Samuel Johnson said, “the chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are to strong to be broken.”

But here was the real kicker.  Every person has a tool box, for some it is money, but everyone has passion, time, enthusiasm, etc..  It is important for each of us to look at the tools we have and use them to positively affect people around us. Giving time to help just one person is a true gift.

I was inspired and cannot wait to consume the info in the remaining three weeks of the course.  I want to be a good giver, not just of money but of the gifts, skills and abilities that God has blessed me with.

What do you find to be the most effective way to give?

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