
I love riding my VESPA

Jul 26, 2013

Elections and Politicians

I have been living in Cambodia for the past 13 years, so I have been kind of out of the American political loop, but with each election, I feel like I understand a bit more what is happening here. 1069960_493651297383578_575469407_n Voting is something many young people in America take for granted. Conversely, it is something that is being cherished and brings hope for change and a better life in Cambodia.  Unfortunately, corruption is very high, so often, the hopes are dashed.

It made me think of Abraham Lincoln.  He lost every election but the presidency.  He was the one who said, "No man is good enough to govern another man without the other's consent."

One of the things I see most often these days is people desiring change.  However they are looking for other people to affect that change, but true change comes from within.  Like the quote says we choose to consent to let others govern us.  Yes there are situations where we have no control, ie corrupt governments.

But that is where the above quote comes to play.  Change almost never happens quickly.  My mom says change is a wide curve that is best taken slowly.  It requires us to continue to put one foot in front of the other, no matter how slowly but walking forward toward the goal of change.

Having a degree in political science, I enjoy reading, watching and analyzing the process.  But at this age, I have realized that I can expect very little change from any politician no matter what they promise.  The change starts with my own decision to face reality and move in the appropriate direction to change myself first.

I am not saying that voting is bad, I believe in the process.  I think people need to be informed and participate, because if not one day the politicians will say they don't really care. So why do we have elections?  It is cheaper and easier for us just to decide for them, besides we know better then they what they need.

Life is a daily journey and true joy does not come from the things around us.  Yes they impact us but our own choices, experiences and expectations are what continue to drive us.  Choose to have the life you want by taking that first step. Choose Joy today.

What first step really made a difference in your life?



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