
I love riding my VESPA

Jul 15, 2013

The Big Year

This past weekend, I watched a movie called The Big Year.   It is about 3 guys who are competing for a Big Year.  Ok, so what is that you ask?The Big Year

Apparently, in the Audibon Society there is a contest for who can see the most birds in North America in 1 calendar year.  There is a great line in the movie when, it looks to be a European who says, “only Americans can make a contest out of bird watching.”  I am pretty sure that it was not meant as a compliment.

As the movie progresses you have Owen Wilson who is trying to protect his reco, while Steve Martin and Jack Black (almost any movie with Jack Black is a winner for me) are heading out on the adventure for the first time.  There is a lot of smack talk back and forth, with no one actually admitting that they are going for the record, until feelings get hurt, and people get manipulated.  Relationships get strained and broken, repaired and encouraged, as these guys pursue their dream  It was a delightful movie.  I won’t tell you who won, you will have to watch it for yourself.

But what it did make me think of was the fact that we should all be attempting to have our own big year’s.  Meaning that we will seek God in a big way.  That relationships would be strengthened  and encouraged.  That we would walk closer to Him, like the song says.  How awesome if we teamed up to accomplish a Big Harry Audacious Goals, when it comes to deepening our faith and discerning how to know God more.  I am pondering this and starting in July, I started  my Big Year.  A little bit of a hint, it will include fasting, memorization and periods of solitude and silence.   Stay tuned for more to come.

What would constitute a Big Year for you and what would you need to do to get started?



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  2. Thanks for checking me out and hope my future posts will live up to your expectations

  3. I am glad you enjoyed the post - the problem is always in the application
