
I love riding my VESPA

Aug 7, 2013

Its Raining Tigers & Elephants

I am sitting at Spinelli Coffee Company in Phnom Penh and looking out my window as it is absolutely pouring down.  A good friend of mine to make fun of sayings we use, in America says it is raining tigers and elephants, he says that makes the saying Cambodian.  The streets are starting to flood, but it has not slowed down the traffic too much - it just makes driving a bit trickier.

[caption id="attachment_63" align="alignright" width="266"]Street #61, Phnom Penh - rainy season Street #61, Phnom Penh - rainy season[/caption]

The tuk tuks have zipped down their side panels, which protects their riders from the rain, but creates a sauna effect inside the green flaps.  So wet or sweaty, not sure which is worse.

What I am thinking is life is a funny thing.  We take a shower daily and enjoy going to a pool to swim, but rain will stop many people in their tracks; it is just water and water dries.  I understand the problem if you are on your way to an important meeting, but really it is just an inconvenience.   I will freely admit I am having these thoughts sitting cozily in a coffee shop with my hot tea in hand, safe and dry, with no where pressing to go.

One of the things I enjoy about living in Cambodia, is that even though at this time of year it rains nearly daily, life kind of gets put on hold until the rain stops and then it resumes.  It is like pushing a pause button.

Wouldn’t life be great if we had a pause button?  When I was a kid I was always frustrated when I turned off the TV, that when I came back it did not resume the same program I had left earlier.  But alas life does not work that way.

Yes, I have been rambling a bit, but here is the point.  Ready for it.  Life is not the destination it is the little parts that add up to the whole story.  I don’t want my story to be more about staying dry and avoiding the inconveniences of life, but instead shouting Carpe Diem and enjoying each moment as it comes.

I walked out into the rain to take the above picture and guess what I did not melt.  A few strange looks were cast my way, but so what.  I want to venture into a life lived.  I named this blog Two M Ventures for a reason.  I refer to myself as two m because of my initials.  My tag line is “life is a daily adventure.”  But venture can be used as a verb which means to dare, journey, set out, to stick one’s neck out.  This is the type of life I desire.


How about you what kind of life do you desire?


1 comment:

  1. Great post! Love "sitting at Spinelli Coffee Company in Phnom Penh" and the tuk tuks. I love the idea of venturing. Chris Tingley talked about living recklessly last Sunday. I should be paying attention.
