
I love riding my VESPA

Mar 12, 2014

Transitions and Genesis

Nearly two months ago I transitioned from Cambodia to the United States.  After living outside of the US for 13 years, that means I have been making many adjustments in my day to day life. I am dealing with sticker shock - everything is so expensive, and far from me.  I used to live in an urban setting so I could walk out my gate and there were shops selling necessary items, it was easy.

In the beginning

A couple of weeks ago I listened to a sermon on Genesis 1.  Five times in that chapter it says, “and there was evening, and there was morning.  The preacher was talking about how different the Israelites view a day.  Their day starts in the evening, then they sleep through the night and then there is morning and the rest of the day.  Instead of the typical American view where the day starts in the morning, groggy and caffeinated to shift into go mode.

I have to admit that I stopped listening to him at one point  and started thinking about transition.  That is because all transitions starts with and ending, then the transition and lastly the new beginning. I am here to work on my health, lose some weight and spend some time with God, listening for what’s next.  Is that back to Cambodia, off to a new location or settling back into life in the US.  I will freely admit that I am still in the beginning phases of this transition.

Two months in I feel like the ending is finishing up, and I am entering the transition part.  I have a car, insurance, and am staying with my folks at the moment.  I have been weeding through my stuff and simplifying, by getting rid of things that don’t make sense for this time in my life.  It is hard knowing what to keep and get rid of when the future is fuzzy.

I think this is a personal Genesis for me - the meaning of this word is “the origin or mode of formation of something.”  Yes, this is the formation of the next part of my life no matter what it brings, but the thing I know to be true is that it will become clear as I walk faithfully with God and I am in the place to hear, which unfortunately means waiting for right now.


Are you transitioning?  Does it involve waiting faithfully?  How does that make you feel?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not great with transitions. I'll hop on any hamster wheel just so I feel like I'm going somewhere. I'm taking pauses through the day, not always successfully, but breathing through the wait time, knowing I'm not alone.
