
I love riding my VESPA

Apr 22, 2014

God's Not Dead

On Good Friday, I was with my sister and niece at the movies watching God’s Not Dead. It was a bit of a juxtapose considering that Good Friday is the remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. I did not know much about it going in, so I was pleasantly surprised.God's Not Dead

A college freshman is challenged by his philosophy professor to write on a piece of paper that God is Dead, and sign his name. Everyone else is the class does, but he holds to his conviction as a Christian, he cannot do this. He gets a variety of advice, from just sign the paper, its only a piece of paper,  to drop the class, but almost no one encourages him to accept the challenge. The local pastor asks him how many students are in the class and does he think they will ever set foot in a church.  Maybe this is there time to hear.

Josh (the student) takes the challenge and has 3 - 20 minutes sessions in class to convince his classmates that God’s not dead. He is putting all kinds of time and effort into this as well as prayer time  to the detriment of his other classes.

Based on the title you can probably see where the movie is going, somewhat predictable with a few twists to keep it interesting. However, I would recommend you go and see it for yourself. Support faith based films, so we can see more of them.

It got me thinking about my life and ministry. One of the things I learned as a missionary it that there is no separation between life and being a Christian. God brings me opportunities, that allow me to rise to the occasion and live out my faith. Some of you might think well that's great you are a missionary, isn’t it your job?

Yes and no, we are all called to be missionaries, to share the gospel with the lost world around us. The test lies in my day to day life; is it different so as to create the opening or moment where that conversation can begin or continue.

I thought about this idea all weekend, as I went to Good Friday service and then Easter service, and ultimately to the park with my extended family, which is our tradition. One of the things I realized is that I have a harder time stepping up to meet the opportunity here in the US, then when I lived in Cambodia.

Just Sunday at the park, I missed the opportunity to lead my family in prayer over the food and the day. I just wanted to sit back and enjoy the day, good food, interaction with family members. Even though I prayed for my own food, I missed a huge opening. I’m not perfect, actually far from it, but I do know one thing for sure.

God’s Not Dead.

Apr 9, 2014

7 An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess

[caption id="attachment_196" align="alignright" width="150"]An experimental mutiny against excess An experimental mutiny against excess[/caption]

I am in week 6 of this study, which is a total of 9 weeks, There is an intro and 7 weeks of varying fasts and a wrap up. I have been going through this study with my mom & dad and a very dear friend.  We meet on Thursday mornings for about two hours to discuss the study and then just discuss life in general.  I was most interested in this study, but it has gone far beyond what I expected.

Week 1 was a fast from food.  For all of you thinking I could not possibly fast from food for a week, you could do this.  There were a few options but I chose to limit myself to 7 food items, which were; chicken, eggs, rice, apples, broccoli, cauliflower and yogurt.  The week flew by, I did go out to eat, once at panda express and once to el pollo loco, it was much easier than I thought and with limited choices it was easier to shop and prepare food.

Week 2 was clothing.  Yes, limiting my clothing to 7 items.  I had to modify a bit.  I was speaking at church that week, and going to a play so I used the same outfit.  I have my workout clothes and that was an outfit, because I am working out 4 times a week, and then I chose, 1 pr of capris jeans, yoga pants, a t-shirt, short sleeved sweater and a jacket - yep I rode Trixie my vespa and I need a jacket for that.  Again easier than I thought but required a bit more planning and time with the washer, but since all the items mixed and matched it was 1 load of laundry.

Week 3 - stuff.  I got rid of 7 items a day.  However the goal was to try and give them to someone who could use them.  Not that the goodwill is not a choice, but to be more relational in pairing down and assisting someone who needs help.  I collected some clothing for a person who got a new job and did not have the appropriate clothing.  Then cleared through some of my other things, I have had for quite some time in storage in my attic. It felt good and I have continued to give things away.

Week 4 - Media - I did not find it really difficult to disconnect my screens for a week.  I already take a sabbath rest from the computer.  I spent time writing and reading actual paper books, imagine that.

Right now we are winding up week 5 which is waste - This week, we have been challenged to look at the amount of waste we create, and make some choices that are better for creation care.  You know those reusable bags, that have been in my trunk, well they moved into the car and were used or I did not take a bag.  I have long loved shopping at Thrift stores, and just today I purchased a new shirt and capris, and since I am using the 1 in 1 out rule, I will be getting rid of 2 items in my closet.

7 ListWe have two weeks to go, which will be spending and stress, I am looking forward to them.  But I wanted to share what I have learned up to this point.

Have you ever watch one of those decorating shows on HGTV?  If you have they always take all the furniture and items out of the room and then decide what to put back in.  Well this experiment has been like that.  Each week as I have undertaken the fast, it frees me to make the choice what to put back in my life, a positive choice, verses removing things from my life which seems negative like I am restricting myself.

This new perspective has been refreshing and invigorating as I am making choices about how I want to live my life.  I am choosing to eat healthier, spend less, give more, develop a capsule wardrobe, and drink more water.  I think I was on autopilot for so long that I did not take the time to really look at my life and make the choices, instead it took a mutiny to challenge me to change.

I hope that you are at a place in your life where you are making the choices to live an abundant life.  Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  Are you?