
I love riding my VESPA

Sep 8, 2013

Liebster Award

I was recently nominated for The Liebster Award by the author of wheresthescript Chris Bowman.  A friend from Phnom Penh, who now lives in Australia. Liebster Award

What is that you ask? 
 The Liebster Award is a chance for smaller blogs to promote and endorse other great small blogs!

Here’s the deal: 
My “nomination” came with a list of 11 questions for me to answer. 
Next I choose up to 11 other small blogs to bestow a Liebster upon,
and write a list of 11 questions for them to answer as their own Liebster acceptance.


So here are my answers:

1. If you could have dinner with three of your heroes (from anytime in history), who would they be?

The Apostle Paul, Anne Frank & Elizabeth Dole – a woman who made her mark in politics – all the way to running for President

2. What’s your go-to Karaoke track?

The Mamas & The Papas – California Dreamin’

3. What got you blogging in the first place?

If I had not become a missionary where I had to write to stay connected to my supporters and churches I probably would never have realized how much I like writing but I would say my friend Michelle kept encouraging me to do National Write a Novel in a Month and it just naturally followed from there.

4. If you could interview anyone, who would you choose?

That is an easy one – Barbara Streisand.  I think she is amazing – she acts, sings, directs movies, is politically active, even though I don’ t agree with her politics it would make for a great interview

5. What’s the first thing that you think of when you wake up? (For me, its where’s the snooze button and can I reach it?)

         Another day another dollar – it is something my grandpa used to say, and it kind of just stuck with me, and me reminds me of him.

6. What’s your dream job?

This has changed so many times over the years, but right now I would have to say being an Author.  I truly enjoy writing and getting better at my craft, but I love to learn and that is part of that passion, is what fuels the output of writing.

7. If you could live in any point in history, which would you choose?

I know this sounds a bit crazy, but I think WWII Europe – I have always thought I was born on the wrong continent – I should have been European (I love to sit around drinking wine or tea and discuss religion and politics) – I think people rose to the occasion through difficult circumstance to be the best or the worst of humanity.  I often wonder if I would have been heroic or meek and quiet – hopefully the first.

8. Which writer/journalist/blogger has most influenced you as a writer?

Maeve Binchy – She is Irish and she knew people and could describe relationships in a way no one I know does.  But my favorite book is As the Crow Flies by Jeffrey Archer.

9. Why did the chicken cross the road? (Really…I need to know).

         No, idea – I have not often seen chickens run in a straight line, so it was probably on accident as they wandered around.

10. When was the last time you laughed?

While writing the answer to the above question – I love to laugh, and many things strike me as funny and others just look at me, with that questioning look.

11. What blog post of your own are you most proud of and why?

Time Does it Fly or Walk?   It helped me to communicate what has been the biggest change in me since coming to Cambodia.

My Nominations are:Liebster Award

Michelle Knowlden Writes: This is my friend that has been a constant source of encouragement on writing – she writes about mysteries, writing and engineering

My favorite post is : The Teahouse from Dushanbe


The Sabbath JourneyLiebster Award This is a friend from Phnom Penh, who is taking a year sabbatical and is documenting her thoughts.

My favorite post is :  Magic


Nominee Questions:

  1. What is your favorite season, and activity for that season?

  2. If you could interview anyone who would it be and where would you conduct the interview?

  3. Which Bible character do you most relate to?

  4. What inspires you the most?

  5. What places are on your list to visit?

  6. What were you like in High School?

  7. What/who made you want to write/blog?

  8. What is your Dream Job?

  9. If you could go back to college, would you change your degree if so to what?

  10. What piece of advice would you give a younger you?

  11. What is your favorite all time movie?

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your Liebster Award! Great answers to the questions you were given and great new questions for the next "generation".
