
I love riding my VESPA

Sep 4, 2013

The Slow Down Challenge

The Slow Down Challenge was the opportunity I needed to step back a bit and decided what is important and what I really want to do.

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Recently I have been memorizing James.  And as everyone is probably aware James 1:2-4 says “Count it all joy my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds. For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing.” 

If you are like me, this is a passage I wish were not in the Bible.  Why? Because it means I am going to have to deal with trials, I do not know about you but I am not usually grateful for trials.

Let me summarize the Slow Down Challenge, it consisted of 5 days and here is the link if you would like to check it out yourself.

Day 1 – Noticing – am I so distracted that I forget to notice the things around me – beauty, sadness, joy, the child enthralled at the ladybug on the leaf.  These are the things that make each day special.

Day 2 – Savor Every Moment – do I rush through meals, or savor the tastes, sights and smells, around me through out the day.

Day 3 – What Really Matters – am I trying to be so productive that I try to multi-task – which is really a way of diluting my focus from the important things.  Focus is needed; but first I must decide what really matters.

Day 4 – Interruptions – they happen whether we want them to or not.  I can embrace them as an opportunity to grow and learn, or I can allow them to ruin my day – Why?  They are a normal part of life.

  • They teach us to let go of control.

  • They remind us life is not just about “me.”

  • They help us become more patient.

Day 5 – Gratitude – say Thank You – it is good practice to be grateful for the small things that make life exciting; a unique journey for each of us.

Now you probably understand why I started with James.  The various trials are part of a complete life.  Life is what we make of it. We have choices.  I am choosing to notice and savor the interruptions.  Because I have decided what really matters; and am grateful for the people and things that teach, support, encourage, challenge and allow this journey called life to be lived one day at a time.


Have you thought about trials recently and what they could do for you if you embrace them?

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