
I love riding my VESPA

Sep 15, 2013

I have always depended on the kindness of strangers

“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” Is a famous quote from the Tennessee Williams play A Streetcar Named Desire.

After a day in yesterday, where I got plenty of rest and reading accomplished, I needed to get out.  I seem to write better at coffee shops.  Which is a real misnomer, considering I am a tea drinker or connoisseur, as I like to call myself.  Here in Cambodia the choices are limited, so I typically stick with English Breakfast when I want a black tea.

This morning I went to one of my favorite spots Spinellis and placed my order only to be told that they are out of English Breakfast tea.  What?  I thought. The delightful girl behind the counter made me aware of the alternatives.  None of which was sounding good.

[caption id="attachment_134" align="alignright" width="266"]English Breakfast tea @ Spinellis English Breakfast tea @ Spinellis[/caption]

(Which made me want to hire her for my restaurant, because this is a rare quality in a Cambodian employee)

So, I was just kind of standing there, when a man walked up and gave me an individually wrapped English Breakfast tea bag.  I was a bit stunned.  Thanked him and he told me where he purchased them.

I realized that I have stopped depending on the kindness of strangers.  Here in Cambodia, it is a dog eat dog kind of place.  Even in driving you had better be looking out for yourself, because no one else will.

I was blessed by a simple act. Then it dawned on me that not only had I stopped relying on kindness, but I had stopped giving it as well.  As I drank my tea, which I thoroughly enjoyed, I mused on this topic.

My conclusion is, I can only see the world through my perspective, but I can choose to change my behavior, which changes my outlook.  There is lots of talk about worldview, and yes we see the world differently, but if we want the world to be different, it requires action.

Today I was blessed by the kindness of a stranger, and I plan to pay it forward.

When was the last time you did something unexpected for someone else?

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